

P14 投投是道


原文:Another situation requiring wide diversification occurs when an investor who does not understand the economics of specific businesses nevertheless believes it in his interest to be a long-term owner of American industry. That investor should both own a large number of equities and space out his purchases. By periodically investing in an index fund, for example, the know-nothing investor can actually out-perform most investment professionals. Paradoxically, when 「dumb」 money acknowledges its limitations, it ceases to be dumb.

另外巴菲特於2008年股東大會上回答股東提問:假設你回到30歲,在銀行裡有了第一個100萬;同時假設你不是職業的投資家,有一份全職工作,你的儲蓄夠你花上18個月,沒有孩子,你會如何投資這100萬?巴菲特回答原文:I’ll be very simple: I—under the conditions you name, I’d probably have it all in a very low-cost index fund, and it would probably be—you know might be Vanguard—somebody I knew was reliable, somebody where the cost was low….I would feel that that was going to outperform, to a degree, bonds, under current conditions over a long period of time, and then I’d forget it and go back to work.

數據顯示,過往投資美股指數ETF,表現確實不俗,對於部份投資者來說是一種可以與大市同步的投資工具,但本文希望想用另一個角度,探討巴菲特提出大家可以買ETF對非專業投資者有好處之餘,巴菲特本身是否有也有好處,甚至是更大的好處?值得一提的是,巴郡於2019年第四季破天荒買入了SPDR S&P 500(SPY)跟Vanguard S&P 500(VOO)兩隻追蹤標普500的ETF。

SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust(SPY )
市值2868億美元(截止7月24日) . 頭25大持股佔總資產40%。Apple Inc(1) , Amazon.com Inc(16) , Johnson & Johnson (39) , Berkshire Hathaway Inc Class B, Visa Inc Class A(14) , JPMorgan Chase & Co(8) , Procter & Gamble Co(40), Mastercard Inc A(17), Bank of America Corp (2)

Vanguard S&P 500 ETF(VOO)
市值1523億美元(截止7月24日)頭25大持股佔總資產40%。Apple Inc(1) , Amazon.com Inc(16) , Johnson & Johnson (39) , Berkshire Hathaway Inc Class B, Visa Inc Class A(14) , JPMorgan Chase & Co(8), Procter & Gamble Co(40), Mastercard Inc A(17), Bank of America Corp(2)

上述兩隻ETF持股括號代表巴郡持股比重,例如Apple Inc(1)代表巴郡最大持倉是Apple。SPY及VOO兩隻ETF中,頭25大持倉有9隻是巴郡持有的股票,更有5隻屬巴郡頭20大持倉,分別是Apple(1) , Bank of America Corp(2), JPMorgan Chase & Co (8), Visa Inc Class A(14), Mastercard Inc A(17),最值得注意的是巴郡B股Berkshire Hathaway Inc Class B,同時亦屬兩隻市值共4,000多億美元,即約3,200多億港幣龐大市值ETF中的持股。

